People Search

What is this difference between the $20.00 search and the $30.00 search?

The $20.00 search will get you the current phone number and/or address of the person you are looking for.  We make sure its current by going through a series of verification processes to make sure the information is accurate and up to date.

The $30.00 search will get you everything the $20.00 search will get you PLUS we will also include all information found such as criminal history, traffic tickets, civil cases, property owned, past or current jobs, schools attended, social media sites frequented and more.

How long does it take to do the search?

Since we basically follow a person’s online footprints so to speak, the search can take anywhere between a couple hours to 2 days.  This is based upon several factors such as the amount of information the customer provides, the amount of current searches being done and so on.

Do I pay before or after the search is completed?

Once we conduct the search and have gathered the information the customer requested, we will send you an email to notify you of the type of information we obtained.  We will let you know that once the payment is made we will release the full report to you.  You do not pay for anything until we are ready to put the report together.

How do I pay?

We will send you an invoice via PayPal where you can then pay with a credit card or PayPal account.  For Bulk purchases, we will accept checks.  Once the check is received and process we will send you your proof of receipt along with the number of searches you purchased.

After I choose to purchase a bulk search package, what’s next?

After you hit submit and we receive your email request, we will put together an invoice for you.  The invoice will show how many searches you’ve purchased and for every search you request, we will put the number you have left on each report.  (IE: Report 3 of 50)

What if I lose my report?

We will hold on to your report for a year.  If you lose your report please contact us and we will send you the copy we have to the same email address you purchased the report under.

Computer Repair

Do you have set prices for fixing computers?

Normally to remove a virus and clean up your computer we charge $30.00.  The prices change depending on what the customer requests such as backing up their computer to a separate drive or DVD.  Also, if it’s a hardware issue then the cost will change in order to replace the faulty hardware part.  Before we make any changes we will notify the customer first and give them their best options.

Do you make house visits?

House visits depend on how far the location is.  Since we currently only serve the Upstate, we are limited in how far we travel.  The normal way we proceed is that we will meet the customer at a location to pick up their computer and when it is finished we will drop it off to them at a chosen location.  We always work with the customer and will choose an option that fits them as well.

Do you work on smart phones or tablets?

Currently we focus primarily on Windows desktops and laptops for computer repairs.

What makes your company different from anyone else?

No matter what you will have to end up choosing what suits you, however, at The Sheppard Way we not only consider the customer’s pockets understanding that not everyone makes the same amount of money, but we take pride in the work that we do as well.  We are honest and will never set out to rob a customer blind or cheat them.

Systems Administration

What is your background in Windows Administration?

Since 2005, we have worked with several companies that not only has had cross platform environments such as Windows Servers and Apple computers, but we have worked extensively with Windows server 2000, 2003, 2008 and 2012.  We have setup many group policies in Active Directory as well as users, groups and so on.  We are highly proficient in migrating companies to Windows 2012 within a Windows 2003 forest.  Windows Administration is one of our strengths and we can help any organization with the problem(s) they are facing with it.

Do you have experience in migrating computers to Windows Hyper-V?

Yes.  We have migrated VMware virtual machines as well as physical machines over to Hyper-V 2012.  We have even migrated Linux boxes as well as Windows NT servers (they do still exist) and we have setup not only SAN fail-over clustering but also Hyper-V to Hyper-V replication.

We are wanting to move our in-house email to a hosted environment where users can access their emails on devices securely.  What’s the down time on that?

Moving email to a hosted environment can be done with little to no down time.  We have migrated email accounts over to hosted environments by creating a forward on the in-house server, giving users time to adjust to the new systems and when the final user was moved over, we would then point transition the records from the old domain to the new one over the weekend.  Users can access their email on any device they have and given which hosted email platform is selected, not only can users access their emails but companies will have the ability to wipe the company data off of their device when the employee leaves or is terminated.

Our server crashed and we had no backup in place, can the data be recovered?

If your server crashed we would first try to restore it along with the data.  If the server cannot be restored we would then try to pull the data off of the hard drive and recreate the server for you.  Once that is completed, we would recommend allowing us to create a backup solution in place for you in order to avoid the event from repeating itself.

We want to be able to be alerted if something is wrong with our systems before it crashes, are you able to create a solution for us?

Yes! We have created a specific system using open source technology that will alert certain individuals via email of when a problem is occurring.  The system can monitor Windows services, CPU usage, hard drive space, any program and more based off of what you want specifically monitored.

How much do you charge for your Systems Administration services?

The answer to that question is dependent on how far your company is (gas mileage) and the amount of billable hours you need.  For short-term and long-term projects, you can fill out the request form on what you’re wanting and we would come out to do a free consultation and then send you a quote for the services/hours we would provide.  The same applies for emergencies minus the free consultation.  We would provide you with the quote immediately after you put in the request for what you need.